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Savannah Truck Accidents Lawyers

Savannah Truck Accident Attorneys

Holding Georgia truck drivers and companies liable for negligent and reckless behavior

Georgia has many local and federal thoroughfares for tractor-trailers, semis, 18-wheelers, and trucks of all sizes that transport goods and inventory. These roads are designed to help communities get the products they need. Trucks that navigate these roads have a high responsibility to make sure they follow the rules of the road, obey the rules targeted just to trucks, and comply with industry standards.

The Savannah truck accident lawyers at Harris Lowry Manton LLP understand the unique complexities of truck accident litigation. We work with industry experts who thoroughly understand the state and federal regulations for truck drivers and who can reconstruct the accident and scene.

If you or a loved one suffered injury in a truck accident, don’t hesitate to contact us for knowledgeable representation.

We have obtained many multi-million-dollar personal injury verdicts. Some of the trucking accident settlements we have obtained for our clients include:

  • $1,800,000 settlement for a woman who suffered serious injury in a trucking accident
  • $700,000 settlement for injuries sustained in rear-end trucking collision
  • $650,000 settlement for neck injury caused by trucking collision

[More verdicts and settlements]


How can we help?

Savannah’s most dangerous roads

Truck accidents can happen at any time or on any highway here in Georgia, but certain stretches of road see higher crash rates. Many roads in and out of Savannah have a great deal of truck traffic, which makes driving more hazardous.

WTOC News reported 10,000 accidents at intersections across Savannah in 2018. After analyzing hundreds of accident reports, WTOC came up with a list of the six most dangerous traffic spots in Savannah:

  • Abercorn and White Bluff with one-fourth of accidents being dangerous
  • Intersections at I-16 and Chatham Parkway (tied with number 1)
  • King George and Abercorn
  • Abercorn and Rio Road
  • DeRenne Avenue and Truman Parkway
  • Martin Luther King and 37th Street

They also found that the majority of serious accidents happen between noon and 6:00pm, when people are heading home from work or school.

Why do truck accidents occur?

Commercial truck accidents happen for a variety of reasons, both human or mechanical error, or a combination of both. These can include the following.

Driver fatigue

Truck drivers often drive long shifts without breaks. Often times, truck drivers are paid for how fast they can deliver a shipment. Trucking companies and drivers are required by law to limit the number of hours they drive under federal Hours of Service (HOS) rules. Still, many drivers refuse to pull over. They drive while tired which may cause them to speed, fail to observe the traffic around them, and make them incapable of reacting to emergencies.

Distracted driving

Truck driving is a long and tedious occupation. Drivers often make the mistake of thinking that tasks like talking on a cellphone, eating, or playing CDs or DVDs will relieve the tedium. They’re wrong. Distracted driving kills other drivers, passengers, and pedestrians. Drivers who text and drive or use GPS systems that require the driver to take his/eyes off the road are a serious threat to the driving public.

Driving while intoxicated

Drunk drivers are the worst threat to other vehicles. There is no excuse for driving while intoxicated. Drunk drivers cross into other lanes of traffic, disobey traffic safety laws, and are a significant danger to other drivers. Our Savannah truck accident attorneys hold drunk truck drivers accountable for the deaths and injuries they cause. We also bring claims against truck owners who failed to supervise the driver and establishments that knowingly served a trucker who was drunk.

Secure shipping loads

The need for profit cannot come at the expense of driver safety. Truck shipments must be securely loaded so they will not spill. Overloaded trucks and unsecure loads can make the truck more difficult to control.

Failure to inspect and maintain trucks

All trucks should be regularly inspected — not just yearly, but before each new trip. Trucks that need repairs should be fixed immediately. Trucking companies and drivers should have a checklist of safety items to examine for their type of truck.

Poor training

Truck driving is much different than driving a car. The sight lines are different. The ways the truck maneuvers are different. The truck equipment is different. Trucks can jackknife or roll over. Trucking companies should make sure their drivers understand how to drive their trucks before letting the driver on the road.

Defective truck parts

Trucks that are designed or manufactured improperly are a danger to everyone. This principle holds true for truck parts as well. Tires should not be bald, brakes should work, and windshield wipers should function. At Harris Lowry Manton LLP, our Savannah truck accident lawyers bring claims against manufacturers if defects cause an accident.

Blind spots

Tractor-trailers have multiple blind spots, which is why commercial trucks should be equipped with lane assist technologies, back-up cameras, object detection systems, and blind spot mirrors. Failure to utilize these systems could constitute neglect on behalf of the driver and/or the trucking company.

Truck drivers are required to obey the state traffic rules while on Georgia roads. Drivers of commercial vehicles must have a valid commercial driver’s license.

Why are Tractor-Trailers so Dangerous on the Road?

What are the common types of tractor-trailer accidents?

An accident with a truck often leaves occupants of passenger vehicles with serious physical trauma. The type of accident in which a person is involved can be a major factor in the seriousness of their injuries. Trucks tend to experience the same types of accidents unique to their large size and weight, including:

  • Jackknifes. Tractor-trailers jackknife when the trailer part of the truck skids or slides, and the driver loses control. The trailer ends up at an angle to the truck, looking like an open pocketknife.
  • Rollovers. When a driver takes a turn or curve at an unsafe speed, they run the risk of a rollover accident. Rollovers may also occur when a truck is improperly loaded and unbalanced.
  • Tire blowouts. Tire blowouts can cause deadly accidents. On commercial trucks, blowouts can cause dangerous debris and loss of control of the vehicle.
  • Underride accidents. These may be the most dangerous types of truck accidents. If a car rear-ends or is pushed into a truck with enough force, it can be completely crushed underneath the tractor-trailer, often with fatal consequences.

Depending on their severity, injuries from truck accidents can take weeks to years from which to recover. Some accident victims experience permanent disability. Our Savannah injury lawyers will work with you to determine the specific cause of your accident.

What are the common injuries from GA commercial truck accident?

It likely comes as no surprise that injuries suffered in a crash with a tractor-trailer are generally much more serious than the bumps and bruises experienced in minor fender-benders. Common traumatic injuries from truck accidents can include:

  • Back and neck injuries
  • Bone fractures
  • Burns
  • Head injuries
  • Internal organ damage
  • Lacerations
  • Soft tissue injuries
  • Spinal cord injuries
  • Traumatic brain injuries

With vehicle accidents, some injuries are evident immediately, while others may take a day or so to appear. Often, injuries like internal bleeding or traumatic brain injury may not symptomize externally until too late, so it’s vital you get medical attention after any accident. Your doctor will know the appropriate tests to prescribe. Further, having documentation of your injuries and treatment strengthens any injury claim you may want to bring in the future.

The Savannah injury attorneys at Harris Lowry Manton can help determine the extent of your injuries and who should be held liable.

Who is liable for my Savannah truck accident?

Truck accident liability works a bit differently than a car accident claim. In truck accident cases, there are often multiple parties responsible for causing the accident, including:

  • Truck driver, if they caused the accident by their own negligent actions, like drunk driving, distracted driving, speeding, or other types of reckless driving.
  • Trucking company, who is responsible for the actions of their employees while they’re on the job.
  • Freight company, who may be responsible for loading the cargo improperly, leading to an accident.
  • Truck maintenance company, who can be responsible if a truck malfunctions due to faulty maintenance or repairs.

Schedule a free consultation with a Savannah truck accident attorney today

If you were injured or a loved one was killed in a truck accident, you need immediate help. The Savannah truck accident lawyers at Harris Lowry Manton LLP fight to get victims full compensation for their daily physical pain, emotional scars, lost wages, and all reasonable medical bills. In appropriate cases, we demand punitive damages. For experienced help now, please call our Savannah office at 912-417-3774 or complete our contact form to schedule a free consultation.

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Savannah Office

410 E. Broughton Street
Savannah, GA 31401

Phone: 912.651.9967
Fax: 912.651.1276


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