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What You Should Know About the Danger of Paragard’s IUD

What You Should Know About the Danger of Paragard’s IUD For years, women had few options for birth control. As that has changed over time, women have selected their preferred methods of contraception, but there are still limited options depending upon their birth control of choice. This can place women in danger of becoming seriously hurt due to long-term problems with a single form of contraception.

When you don’t have other similar devices to compare and contrast the pros and cons of one brand versus another, you have no way to evaluate a device’s quality other than taking your doctor’s advice. That risk can lead to critical injuries if your physician failed to advise you of the known hazards associated with a particular form of birth control and you become injured as a result.

What makes Paragard’s Copper IUD different from other IUDs?

Many forms of birth control require hormones to prevent unwanted pregnancy. Of the five available IUDs on the market in the United States, Paragard is the only one that doesn’t require the use of hormones. That fact has made it the IUD of choice for many women who are vigilant about birth control effectiveness and safety.

Paragard is made of copper, which is a natural sperm repellant, making the device more than 99% effective in preventing pregnancy.

What are the complications associated with Paragard IUDs?

Paragard IUDs have been known to fracture during their removal. Doctors who deal with reproductive health and are qualified to implant an IUD should be familiar with the risks associated with each brand they offer the Paragard IUD as a recommended form of birth control.

Paragard has been around for approximately four decades and has an effectiveness period of 12 years. That means doctors have had experience removing this device for many years and should be familiar on a procedural level with the fact that the device can break.

Cooper Surgical lists device breakage as an adverse event in their marketing materials. If that’s not enough, the removal instructions for physicians clearly state: “The threads can retract into the uterus or break, or Paragard can break, perforate the uterus, or be expelled.” The instructions go on to offer helpful tips for removing a broken device that has become imbedded, indicating that the information has been made available to doctors.

In addition to placement and removal issues that can include organ perforation, Paragard can cause:

  • Heavier, longer, more painful periods
  • Abnormal uterine bleeding
  • Pelvic inflammatory disease, which can cause cancer
  • Uterine fibroids or tumors
  • Infections, including sepsis

Perforating an organ requires costly surgical intervention to repair. There have already been women who have come forward with claims against Paragard for injuries related to their IUDs, including injuries resulting from breakage. Depending upon the circumstances surrounding your injuries, you may also have a medical product liability claim.

You have a right to know what your doctor knows

A term that every doctor knows is “informed consent,” which means that you need to be given all relevant information, including potential risks, to provide you the opportunity to make the most educated medical decision for yourself when you face any type of treatment or surgery. Doctors who fail to inform you of certain information that would have altered your decision have neglected their duty owed to their patient. If that negligence results in you being injured, and you can prove the connection, you may be able to sue to recover your damages.

In the case of Paragard’s IUD, if it wasn’t explained to you that another option may be safer because the device tends to fracture and cause internal organ damage, you’ve been put at risk without your permission. If you believe you have been injured due to your doctor or healthcare provider withholding vital information about a medical device used in a procedure, you need to seek the legal advice of attorneys who are dedicated to helping clients recover damages due to negligent medical care.

To schedule your free case evaluation today with one of our medical product liability attorneys at Harris Lowry Manton LLP, call our Atlanta office at 404-998-8847, our Savannah office at 912-417-3774, or we invite you to reach out to us through our contact page to tell us your story.



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