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Atlanta Delivery Truck Accidents

It’s not hard to imagine the devastation a passenger car faces when struck by a delivery truck. Given the truck’s massive size and weight, its driver often escapes unharmed, but the occupants of the passenger vehicle often end up with serious injuries and costly medical bills. In some instances, delivery truck accidents can have fatal consequences. According to the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety (IIHS), in 2022 alone, 4,764 people lost their lives in truck accidents—a staggering 51% increase compared to 2009.

What’s driving this rise? While multiple factors are involved, one key reason is the significant increase in delivery trucks on the roads, fueled by the online shopping boom.

What causes delivery truck accidents?

Several factors can contribute to a delivery truck accident, including trucking companies hiring inexperienced drivers, passengers being caught in a reversing truck’s blind spots, truck drivers being distracted at the wheel, and more. Let’s take a closer look at six of the major reasons for delivery truck accidents.

1. Inexperienced drivers

According to the American Trucking Association (ATA), many of the applicants for truck driving jobs were significantly inexperienced in handling a commercial vehicle. This begs the question: why would trucking companies hire drivers with little experience? A primary driver is that the U.S. is currently facing a shortage of 60,800 truck drivers, putting pressure on companies to fill drivers’ seats to meet shipping demands. Unfortunately, this means that most truck drivers on the roads in Atlanta lack experience or are often in a rush. Additionally, the gig economy has created unexpected booms in the number of delivery trucks on the road at any given time. This combination puts all motorists at a higher risk of injury due to inexperienced drivers being far more likely to cause accidents.

2. Truck reversing

Like all trucks, delivery trucks have blind spots, which make reversing from a parking lot or driveway dangerous. If a truck reverses into a car hidden in its blind spot, the passenger’s safety is likely to be seriously compromised.

3. Distracted driving

A distracted delivery driver, such as one checking a text message or taking a call, can endanger other motorists on the road. Distractions reduce the driver’s response time to sudden changes in traffic conditions. Given the size and load of the delivery truck, even a brief lapse in attention can put lives at risk.

4. Improper loading

Loading companies are responsible for following proper guidelines when loading delivery trucks. Inadequate packing can cause accidents on the road, as loose items or debris can fall off the trucks.

5. Driver fatigue

Delivery truck drivers often exceed speed limits to meet delivery deadlines or cover as many routes as possible, disregarding federal regulations like Hours of Service limits. This practice increases driver fatigue and makes speeding even more hazardous on the road. Driving at high speeds while fatigued significantly reduces reaction time, resulting in delayed braking and inadequate attention to road conditions.

6. DUI

Unfortunately, many truck drivers neglect traffic laws and choose to drive under the influence of alcohol or drugs. In fact, the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA) disqualified 54,955 commercial truck drivers in 2020 for failing a urine test. This dangerous behavior significantly impairs their judgment, reaction time, and ability to make safe decisions on the road, putting everyone at risk.

If you have been in a delivery truck accident, don’t hesitate to contact an Atlanta delivery truck accident lawyer at Harris Lowry Manton LLP.

Why you need a personal injury lawyer

Delivery trucks come in all sizes. They could be box trucks, 18-wheelers, carrier vans, or articulated tractor-trailers. Whatever type they are, they are always heavier and bigger than a passenger car and can cause significant damage in an accident. Being struck by a commercial vehicle also means a company and other third parties are likely liable for the driver’s actions. Sometimes, multiple parties are at fault, such as contractors, loaders, etc., and may have shared responsibility. In the event of an accident, however, they often try their best to hide behind their insurance companies and shift the blame onto you.

An experienced personal injury lawyer understands the complexities of delivery truck accident cases, including the tactics insurance companies use to minimize payout. With the experience and skill to advocate your rights in a court of law, they can help you recover your losses. Here are four key ways personal injury lawyers can help you in the event of a delivery truck accident:

1. Determining at-fault parties

Multiple parties could be at fault for the accident, such as the driver, insurance company, independent contractor, maintenance company, and/or auto parts manufacturer. Pinpointing who is and who isn’t liable is not easy to do alone,  and a personal injury lawyer’s guidance is critical in these situations.

2. Determining coverage/legal gray areas

Delivery systems are relatively new concepts and can be confusing in terms of rules and regulations (like Uber and Lyft accidents). A truck accident victim needs to explore all available options, including claims against all responsible parties.

3. Denial of fault by insurance companies

Delivery and insurance companies fight tooth and nail to protect their bottom line. They even deny any involvement in burdening victims with finances if they try to take on more prominent companies.

4. Regulations and legal liabilities

Proving liability requires a thorough understanding of truck accident laws and investigating how negligence, violation of rules, and other factors may have contributed to the accident.

What to do after a delivery truck accident in Atlanta

Delivery truck accidents are life-altering, placing a significant strain on your finances in the form of medical bills, ongoing care, rehabilitation, loss of wages, and loss of job in cases of permanent injuries.

Taking on big corporations and insurance companies on your own can be overwhelming. Having an experienced advocate who understands the ins and outs of the relevant laws is critical for finding restitution in the complex world of delivery truck accidents, determining liability, and fighting insurance companies that are not willing to easily pay you what you deserve.

Harris Lowry Manton LLP has been advocating for the rights of Atlanta’s citizens for the last 25 years. Our personal injury lawyers understand the unique challenges of delivery truck accidents and the strain they burden you with, physically, emotionally, and financially. Call us today or fill out our online contact form to schedule a free consultation.

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