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More People Are Purchasing Used Cars. Buyers Should Beware.

The COVID-19 pandemic has sent shockwaves through nearly every industry in the country, affecting them in different ways. We remember the toilet paper and cleaning supply shortages in the spring of 2020, although supply eventually caught up with demand. Another similarly affected industry is automotive and transportation manufacturers. With more people working at home and…

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How to Prevent Carbon Monoxide Poisoning

You’ve probably heard of carbon monoxide poisoning at some point in your life. You at least know enough to understand that it’s dangerous, but do you know where it comes from or how to prevent it from harming you, your family or your pets? According to the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), approximately 430 people…

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How Do I Check to See if My Vehicle Has Been Recalled?

Auto manufacturers try to stay on top of notifying vehicle owners of recalls when they become necessary. Sometimes the vehicle owner might sense something is wrong with their car before the notice is even sent out. When this happens, you can check to see whether any issues have been identified before you experience a serious…

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November is Child Safety Month. Here’s What You Need to Know

Bringing a child into your life is the ultimate responsibility. Tending to their needs to make sure they grow into happy, healthy adults is a 24-hour-a-day task that can often feel like an impossible balancing act. Even when you’re diligently watching out for your child’s safety and wellbeing, things can happen. November is Child Safety…

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Common Causes of Airplane Engine Failure

No one boarding a plane wants to think about the potential that they might not make it to their destination in one piece, but for an average of 498 passengers and pilots per year, it’s a reality. Depending upon the airplane, an engine failure may or may not lead to catastrophic events that end in…

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What Are the Most Dangerous Roads in Georgia?

Meandering around on Georgia’s roads can be a dangerous activity no matter where you are. Getting from point A to point B can be a frustrating experience, from road congestion to construction that seemingly never ends. Traffic jams around Atlanta and Savannah are just a way of life that citizens accept as a trade-off to…

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Blast Injuries Are Real Risks in the Entertainment Industry

Coronavirus halted production for several months, but the film and TV industry is getting back to work. With so many sound stages and production houses located in Georgia, this means thousands of jobs coming back online, not to mention a cash infusion to the local economy. It was announced in July that 20 projects would…

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Are Chrysler Minivans a Fire Hazard?

Minivans have become the universal symbol of family safety to vehicle owners everywhere. These vans are not the first choice for most drivers in the market for a new vehicle as they’re more utilitarian than fun. Those with larger families or who require a vehicle with extra space are the likely candidates you’ll see behind…

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Most Common Injuries from Rear-End Accidents

Whether you’re driving down the street, sitting at a stop light, or you’re properly parked and minding your own business, rear end accidents can lead to serious injuries. Rear end collisions are an example of energy being transferred from a moving object to another object. The speed the moving object is traveling will dictate the…

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Why Were So Many Veterans Treated with Experimental Hydroxychloroquine?

In early July, news broke about the Southeastern Veterans’ Center in Philadelphia treating veterans with hydroxychloroquine, a controversial drug used in the treatment of COVID-19. What made this story different, however, is that the veterans being given the drug hadn’t necessarily been tested for coronavirus. The Washington Post reported that “for more than two weeks…

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Exposing the Trouble With Tamiflu

In the late 1990s, Tamiflu was touted as the medication that could save your life if you were infected with avian influenza. The drug flew off shelves so quickly that it became hard to get. Since then, Tamiflu has been marketed as the essential drug for managing major flu strains we deal with annually. Recently,…

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Know How to Handle a Truck Backup Accident

Truck backup collisions are fairly common, but they can also cause severe damage and serious injuries. These accidents are typically at low speed because the truck is operating in reverse, however because of their size, they have the capacity to cause catastrophic injuries and property damage. These injury-inducing wrecks have a few common causes, such…

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The Makings of a Bad Faith Insurance Claim

While we elect to carry certain types of insurance, others are required under state law. Even the optional policies aren’t always truly a choice unless you prefer the risk of losing everything you own in a lawsuit or catastrophe. As a policyholder, you have the right to assume you will get what you’re paying for…

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Are Autonomous Vehicles Safe?

Ever since Back To The Future hit the screen, we’ve been hoping and waiting for a car-turned-time-machine to show up in our driveways. While that’s clearly not happening anytime soon, each time a new technology enhanced vehicle rolls off the assembly line boasting about improved safety coupled with luxury, we fall in love. Technology and…

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COVID-19 May Be Damaging Placentas in Pregnant Mothers

Under normal circumstances, the last days of pregnancy are scary enough for many expectant mothers. They now have to contend with a contagious virus, known to cause damage to placentas as well as lungs and other internal organs. It’s an obvious concern for their own health and their newborns who could experience difficulties in the…

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What Is a Wrongful Death Claim?

When you send a loved one out into the world every morning, you just take it for granted that you’ll see them come through the door again at the end of the day. You know the world is a dangerous place, but you and your family members take precautions and don’t put yourselves into risky…

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How “Blanket Immunity” Protects Businesses from Liability

At the end of April, Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell geared up for what may be a contentious battle when he announced his priority for the administration’s next COVID-19 relief bill – broad protections for companies and businesses from lawsuits as they reopen from the coronavirus pandemic. Often referred to as “blanket immunity,” this call…

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Georgia Teen Drivers Will Have to Take Road Tests After All

Governor Brian Kemp announced on April 23 that Georgia would be suspending the road test requirement for driver’s licenses in an effort to slow the spread of COVID-19 and attempt to handle the huge backlog of tests currently on hold during the pandemic. Teens with valid permits may skip the road test portion and upgrade…

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Dangers of Tractor Trailers Aren’t Always Predictable

Most of us driving down the highway or even surface streets are abundantly familiar with the risks associated with sharing the road with semi-trucks. You can predict all of the potential safety hazards that you might encounter while passing or driving behind one. None of these thoughts are particularly pleasant but if you’re aware of…

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Switched at Death: Identification Gone Wrong

Tragedy strikes every day on the roadways and at home. All across the country, people become seriously injured, and in some cases die, as a result of vehicle collisions, fires and other catastrophes. These incidents can be so devastating that it makes identifying victims a difficult task to undertake. What happens when identification errors occur?…

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Helpful Tips for Georgia Motorcycle Drivers

If you know someone who rides a motorcycle, you’ve probably heard at least one story of how they laid a bike down. It’s unfortunate, but the fact of the matter is that motorcycle riders are much more vulnerable to suffering severe, even fatal injuries when they collide with vehicles or objects. Even riders who mind…

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