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Who’s Liable if I’m Injured by a Street Racer?

Driving in itself is a risky but necessary activity. That’s why there are strict rules and regulations when it comes to driving on public streets. These laws are in place to keep you and everyone around you safe while on the road. Over the past two years, there has been an increase of fatal, high-speed…

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What Is the Risk to Older Drivers on the Road?

We all want our roads to be as safe as possible – not only for ourselves, but for our teenaged children just learning to drive, our school buses, and also our elderly loved ones. Today’s older population is doing better health-wise than previous generations, so they are driving well into their seventies and eighties. As…

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Will a New Approach Make Our Roads Safer?

As a society, we have come to accept that car accidents are inevitable. Perhaps you do not expect such a thing to happen to yourself, but we hear about car accidents every day on the news and on the radio. The question is: Why is driving such an unsafe activity, and can we as a…

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Who Is Liable in a Multi-Car Accident in Georgia?

When one car crashes into another, it’s often easy to determine who was at fault for the accident. But what happens when you are involved in an auto accident with more than two cars? Who is liable often becomes murky, and there are many variables to consider. It is even possible that more than one…

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The High(er) Risks of Multi-Vehicle Crashes

The majority of car crashes in the country involve only a single vehicle. When those crashes are fatal, determining the ultimate cause of the wreck can be difficult. When two vehicles are involved, the situation becomes much more complex; even with video evidence, there are now at least two versions of events and many more…

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Fall and Winter Are Dangerous Seasons for Georgia Drivers

The Georgia Department of Transportation (GDOT) maintains comprehensive records about all reported crashes that occur in the state. When a crash is reported to the authorities, a significant amount of information is recorded and stored. This includes (but is not limited to) details about all persons involved, road and weather conditions, vehicle descriptions and even…

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Road Rage Sweeps Georgia

Most of us have experienced buying a new car with a bold color that feels new and exciting. Suddenly, your world is filled with cherry red or electric blue vehicles. There was no actual increase in the number of red cars or blue trucks on the road – you simply became more aware of the…

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How to Stay Safe on Georgia Highways

Each of us has a responsibility to observe the rules of the road. However, while you can take steps to minimize the risks of causing an accident, there are circumstances that will always be outside your ability to control. Driver errors, mechanical failures, and sudden changes can and do happen in an instant. In 2019,…

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Where Most Fatal Car Accidents for Children and Teenagers Happen

Over the last fifteen years, more than 70,000 children and teenagers died in car crashes in the U.S. These are disturbing numbers. This age group is disproportionately represented in fatal car crashes across the country, and Georgia is no exception. Studies have repeatedly shown that crash rates decrease steadily as driver age increases; there is…

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Who’s at Fault in a Parking Lot or Parking Garage Crash?

Parking lots can offer some of the most chaotic driving situations you’ll ever encounter – if you’ve gone shopping on Black Friday, you know what we mean. Even with a low speed limit, accidents in parking lots and parking garages can end in tragedy, especially for pedestrians and small children. Whether it’s a parking lot…

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Why Intersections Are at the Root of So Many Collisions

Intersections, where several streets or road come together, tend to be the scene of many motor vehicle accidents. Increased traffic congestion, multiple signage, distracted drivers, pedestrians and cyclists – all of these factors can add to the risk of a collision and injuries. No matter what the reason for the crash, statistics show that a…

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A Fiery Van Rollover in Atlanta Led to Six Deaths and 10 Injuries

On Saturday, a van carrying 16 people burst into flames on I-85 in Gwinnett County. An investigation is currently underway as to what caused the van to rollover and burst into flames. WSB-TV Atlanta reports that investigators believe another vehicle may have been involved, and FOX 5 Atlanta confirms that report, saying witnesses at the…

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Why Is There a Car in My Living Room?

You never really think about it until it happens to you. You’re sitting there enjoying a quiet evening at home and then, out of nowhere, chaos strikes. There’s a loud crash and suddenly part of your home appears to have become part of a movie stunt, only the car crashing through your wall wasn’t part…

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More People Are Purchasing Used Cars. Buyers Should Beware.

The COVID-19 pandemic has sent shockwaves through nearly every industry in the country, affecting them in different ways. We remember the toilet paper and cleaning supply shortages in the spring of 2020, although supply eventually caught up with demand. Another similarly affected industry is automotive and transportation manufacturers. With more people working at home and…

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What Are the Most Dangerous Roads in Georgia?

Meandering around on Georgia’s roads can be a dangerous activity no matter where you are. Getting from point A to point B can be a frustrating experience, from road congestion to construction that seemingly never ends. Traffic jams around Atlanta and Savannah are just a way of life that citizens accept as a trade-off to…

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Most Common Injuries from Rear-End Accidents

Whether you’re driving down the street, sitting at a stop light, or you’re properly parked and minding your own business, rear end accidents can lead to serious injuries. Rear end collisions are an example of energy being transferred from a moving object to another object. The speed the moving object is traveling will dictate the…

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