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Mazda Recalls 270,000 Vehicles with Defective Takata Airbags

Automobile manufacturer Mazda has recalled some 270,000 vehicles fitted with defective Takata airbags that are at risk of exploding during deployment. Mazda previously recalled these vehicles in response to the same potentially dangerous issue. However, at that time, the automaker replaced the defective airbags with new airbags that had the identical problem, due to a…

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What Are Different Categories of Product Liability?

What kinds of products liabilities cases are there? They’re really divided into three major categories. The first is, Is the the product itself defective? Is there something wrong with it that causes the product to injure or hurt somebody or sometimes even kill them? Those are product defects claims. Then there are other kinds of…

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Can Product Liability Be Criminal?

 What many people don’t recognize is that product liability cases can also be criminal cases. A lot of times there will be a number of products that are sold, that start to injure people. Because of the expense of fixing that problem, then a lot of manufactures cover it up: they hide the evidence,…

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Carbon Monoxide Poisoning Thought to Be the Reason for the Death of Couple on Lake Lanier

Rangers from the Georgia Department of Natural Resources discovered the bodies of Gainesville residents Andrew Maronge and Julie Wright on a boat on Lake Lanier. The investigation is still pending, and an autopsy has not yet been completed, but the Atlanta Journal-Constitution is reporting that carbon monoxide (“CO”) poisoning appears to be the reason. The…

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How Do I Know if I Have a Product Liability Case?

A lot of times what we look for in a product liability claim is when you have what we would call an unexpected injury. If for instance there’s an auto collision where four people are in the vehicle and three people are relatively uninjured, but one person is severely injured, because maybe their seat back…

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Why So Many Vehicle Recalls in Recent Years?

In 2016, the car industry was the subject of a record number of vehicle recalls – with some 53 million vehicles affected in total. The recall numbers for 2014 and 2015 were 51 million and 51.2 million, respectively. The large volume in recent years was in significant part due to the far-reaching Takata airbag issue…

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Six Plaintiffs Bring Product Liability Lawsuit Against Tristar Products, Claiming Power Pressure Cooker XL is Defective

Six plaintiffs filed a lawsuit in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania against Tristar Products claiming that their Power Pressure Cooker XL is defective and dangerous. The plaintiffs claimed that they suffered devastating burn injuries when a Tristar cooker exploded during ordinary use despite Tristar’s claim that the product is safe to use. The Philadelphia lawsuit is one of…

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Eclipse Glasses Fail to Meet Safety Standards

The total solar eclipse was an exciting event that filled the news and created numerous opportunities for retailers. Some Amazon vendors “cashed in” on the excitement by selling eclipse glasses and other items advertised as solar-viewing products. But recent concerns over safety standards have led to full refunds and product returns. Numerous Amazon retailers offered…

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Congratulations, Korinne Morris, on Obtaining an Advanced Paralegal Certification in Product Liability

Harris Lowry Manton LLP is proud to announce that Korinne Morris has earned her advanced paralegal certification in product liability from the National Association of Legal Assistants. Korinne is just one of 26 individuals in the world to have earned this particular advanced certification credential, and she is the first and only paralegal in Georgia…

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Have You Been Affected by the Ethicon Physiomesh Recall?

On May 25, 2016, Ethicon pulled its abdominal hernia repair product, Physiomesh, from the markets. They instructed surgeons to discontinue its use after reports suggested high rates of complications. While Ethicon, a Johnson & Johnson subsidiary, says that the market withdrawal is not an “official” recall, a number of lawsuits against the drug manufacturer have…

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Deceptive Marketing Practices with Medications

While most product liability lawsuits involve products that are dangerous due to a design or manufacturing flaw, a deceptive marketing claim usually deals with the product’s labeling, or the way it was presented to the public. In this case, the item itself might be perfectly fine and usable, if not for its poor labeling or…

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Important Steps in a Georgia Product Liability Claim

A person who is harmed—or the family of someone who is killed—by a defective device or product has the right to bring a product liability claim against the responsible parties. Products may include automobiles, toys, medical devices, electronics, and more. In a product defect case, anyone in the supply chain, from the manufacturer through the…

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Understanding Class Action and Multi-District Product Liability Litigation

Product liability cases arise when defective products injure consumers. These incidents often involve companies that operate across multiple states to make products for a wide range of consumers. The far-reaching nature of product liability cases often makes them appropriate for class action or multidistrict litigation. Not only are these options effective at saving litigation costs,…

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FDA Warns of Infection Risks with Sorin 3T Heater-Coolers

Healthcare professionals commonly use the Sorin 3T Heater-Cooler System when providing cardiothoracic and cardiopulmonary patients with heat exchangers and warming/cooling blankets. However, recent warnings by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) highlight the significant risk of infection in using this device, which could lead to substantial injuries for these vulnerable patients. Uses of Sorin 3T…

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Hoverboard Update: Product Defects Causing Fires and Injuries Prompt Recall

In 2016, the Consumer Product Safety Commission announced recalls of more than 500,000 hoverboards due to fires and explosions. The announcement came after six months of investigation across 20 states into fires caused by hoverboards that destroyed homes and apartments. The most recent fire occurred at a Gwinnett County apartment complex; reports that nine families…

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Defective Seat Belts: Buckle Unlatching

Because of a latch design defect in some seat belts, the latches can unlock with little force, rendering the harness useless in a wreck. In this segment, HLM’s Steve Lowry explains the failure, called unintended unlatching. It is prone to occur in a side impact collision when an occupant’s hand, arm or hip hits the…

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Defective Seat Belts: Spool Out

In this segment, HLM Partner Steve Lowry talks about one of several possible seat belt defects that cause or allow injuries in an accident. In a “spool out,” the seat belt stays latched but unwinds, allowing an occupant to move around in the vehicle or be ejected during a collision or rollover. Spool outs are linked…

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Defective Seat Belts: Signs of Seat Belt Use

It’s common knowledge that seat belts are intended to protect passengers from injury in a collision. However, a defective or poorly designed seat belt can cause serious injuries to a person in the event of a collision. The next several blog posts will feature HLM Partner, Stephen Lowry, who will explain what can cause these…

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What You Need To Know About Tire Failures

At best, a poorly made tire just goes flat and causes delay. But tires with design or manufacturing defects can result in death or catastrophic injuries. The problem is often poor adhesion in between layers of the tire. The tread comes off. Drivers lose control and wreck. Summer heat can boost this process because high…

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